.hair - haircare products and services
.health - health and related topics
.healthcare - Primary/secondary care physicians, hospitals & clinics, healthcare insurance providers &
brokers, company HR/benefits departments
.help - help sites
.here - generic geographic
.hiphop - Hip hop culture
.hiv - AIDS and HIV awareness
.hockey - Sports media, sporting goods stores & hockey equipment suppliers, professional, minor
league & amateur hockey teams, hockey fans, fantasy leagues, sponsors, coaches & referees
.holdings - Holding companies, private equity firms, real estate developers
.holiday - Airline-related products or services, travel agencies, resources & services, travel writers &
bloggers, city guides & resource sites, hotels, hostels, B&Bs, lodging
.homes - real estate professionals
.horse - horse-related businesses and interest
.hospital - Hospitals & clinics, healthcare providers, medical, dental, or vision specialists,
insurance providers
.host - network companies
.house - Real estate brokers/agents, mortgage companies, home builders, construction/home improvement
suppliers, home improvement sites & blogs
.how - how-to guides