.management - Property managers, wealth management firms, money management, systems &
network managers, leadership teams
.map - maps and navigation
.market - Online retailers, independent or chain grocery stores, buyer and seller communities,
discount sites & coupon sites
.marketing - Advertising/Marketing/PR/Design agencies, media buying/production companies
(digital & traditional), staffing agencies, marketing consultants
.mba - Colleges, universities, & graduate programs, online educational sites, job search sites, MBA candidates
.med - medicine and related topics
.media - Advertising/Marketing/PR/Design agencies, media buying/production companies (digital & traditional),
news outlets, media bloggers, celebrity publications, digital publishers & graphic designers
.meet - social gatherings, meeting new people
.meme - Internet memes
.memorial - News site obituaries, personal tribute sites, floral & funeral arrangement companies
.men - men
.menu - restaurants
.mobi - mobile devices
.moe - Japanese otaku culture; see moe (slang)
.mom - mothers
.money - Lenders, financial services businesses, money blogs & news sites, investment bankers &
brokers, financial planners & experts
.mortgage - Mortgage brokers, real estate brokers/agents, home buyers, traditional “classified” sites
.motorcycles - motorcycles
.mov - digital video
.movie - Streaming movie services, movie studios & distributors, movie theaters & entertainment
outlets, ticket sale/resale sites, movie review sites
.museum - museums
.music - Music dissemination and appreciation