Online advertising is an effective way to drive traffic to your website, helping to raise awareness of your business. ... If you can connect with your customers on an emotive level, then you'll soon generate more awareness and interest in your business that can help to drive more sales.
What Audience Will Have Access to MY Site?
First of all, ANYONE who visits this Site will have access to your website/blog info. In addition to that, everywhere this site is advertised, access to YOUR website/blog is available. One (of several) place where this site is advertised ForSaleInAmerica5G.com which has several categories. Each category covers all U.S. States (comprising of some 3320+ counties, boroughs, and parishes). Click on each of the following categories for verification:
Items For Sale - covers ALL U.S.A. States, Puerto Rico & District of Columbia
Yard Sale Events - covers ALL U.S.A. States, Puerto Rico & District of Columbia
Child/Day Care - covers ALL U.S.A. States, Puerto Rico & District of Columbia
Business Services - covers ALL U.S.A. States, Puerto Rico & District of Columbia
Employment Services - covers ALL U.S.A. States, Puerto Rico & District of Columbia
Housing/ Real Estate - covers ALL U.S.A. States, Puerto Rico & District of Columbia
Want Ads - covers ALL U.S.A. States, Puerto Rico & District of Columbia
Black Owned Businesses - covers ALL U.S.A. States, Puerto Rico & District of Columbia
The Cost for Advertising (Posting) is Second to None
The $15 (fifteen U.S. dollars) price tag for this advertising of your website/blog is unbeatable and covers a period of six month. That's right: fifteen dollars for not only a possible exposure of your site/blog in this website, but also in eight categories of ForSaleInAmerica3G.com, each category exposing AdvertiseThatWebsite.com (containing your website/blog info) in all of the 3320+ counties/boroughs/parishes in the U.S.
If you create (or have an existing) website/blog with (for example) a ".com" extension, you will have to use various methods of advertising your site. Otherwise, no one would even know that it exists. However, if you advertise in AdvertiseThatWebsite.com, you have many more opportunities for someone to click on the ".com" extension (even if it's only out of curiosity).
The bottom line is this: If you can find a more cost-effective additional form of advertising somewhere else, ...you should buy it there!