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Thinking About Marriage?

Marriage is like an omlette...

  "It's only as good as the eggs"...

       So why not start with two GOOD eggs!

So,...what should you do?

 (Before trying to FIND the "right" person,

                focus on BEING the "right" person!)

A Roadmap for Success!!

Myles Munroe Sermons: Make Your Marriage a Success __


Principles for Male & Female Relationships - Dr. Myles Munroe 

(Note:  If you don't have time [although you should MAKE time] to watch this entire video, at least start watching at "34 minutes, 44 seconds" into the video.)

...Live Long and Prosper!! (Based on 3 John 2 of the King James Version of the Bible)

                                                     Leroy Williams


Myles & Ruth Munroe.jpg

Myles & Ruth Munroe

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