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Meaningful Blogs/ Websites:


    This Option allows you to post a link to your own blog/website.  Approved Blog or Website names listed under the "Sponsored Blog Sites:" have either a 6-month or 12-month expiration date.  The TOTAL price for this posting is only $20 and $35, respectively.  Currently, only 1000 "Ad Spots" have been set aside for lease (mainly for North America, although they have a Global reach) and is available on a “first come, first serve” basis (regardless of how the spots are numbered).

     This is a great way to showcase your product.  For example:

     Suppose you want to showcase the story of a man traveling across the country (via a wagon drawn by 2 mules) for the sole purpose of saying to every veteran he meets, "Thank you for your service".  If your website/blog is:


Your descriptive name: "Charlie Peters:  Two Mules And A Vet" could be listed under the "Meaningful Blogs and Websites" Category and we will connect that descriptive name to your website/blog URL.  Click on the following to see how this example plays out:

                            Charlie Peters:  Two Mules And A Vet

Profile of "what it entails"...
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