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Pricing for View/Post "Ad Spots"

View/Post Categories:  Articles For Sale

Yard Sales Events
Child/ Daycare
Business Services
Housing/ Real Estate
Black Owned Businesses
Want Ads


Price: $500 (five hundred USD).  This IS NOT a monthly amount.  It is the TOTAL AMOUNT for the entire 6-month period!

     This Image (if not already replaced) appears on the View/Post index page [which list each U.S. State and Territorial possession] for a particular View/Post Category.  Thus, every User who visits any State listed on that page WILL ALWAYS SEE the Ad of anyone who chooses to advertise using this Ad Spot.  To advertise here, a purchaser will be given the opportunity to upload a desired image (along with information to be linked to that image).  When that image is clicked, a User/Visitor will be redirected/ connected to the information provided by the purchaser.  That information may be either a 1-page documentation description or website URL.

      In order to View/Post an Ad in a particular Website Category, Users/Visitors must do so by first visiting the Index Page.  That can be a lot of traffic!!

     A purchased Ad Spot is available for display 24/7 for a total of six months.  Some purchasers may choose to use an image and link to connect to their own blog or website.  Some purchasers may decide to use their Affiliate Marketing image and link instead of their own personal website and info. Some may even decide to use a link and PDF (displaying and/ or describing merchandise they have for sale).  The purchaser can use his/her own creative ideas to accomplish their purpose.

     Since there is ONLY ONE POSSIBLE Ad Spot available for a particular Category AND it is available on a "first come, first serve" basis, you basically have no competition with your advertising!  Imagine, no competition against your Ad for six months!

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Click image for Advertising opportunities

Articles For Sale
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