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Click on the names below for more information.
Track & Field
Bob Beamon
John Carlos
Alice Coachman
Rafer Johnson
Florence Griffith-Joyner
Jackie Joyner-Kersee
Carl Lewis
Edwin Moses
Jesse Owens
Wilma Rudolph
Tommy Smith
Ernie Davis
Bo Jackson
Ray Kemp
Willie Lanier
Marion Motley
Walter Payton
Jerry Rice
Eddie Robinson
Doug Williams
Buddy Young
Other "Shining Stars"
Henry Aaron
Roberto Clemente
Rube Foster
Cito Gaston
Josh Gibson
Frank Robinson
Willie Mays
Satchel Paige
Jackie Robinson
Don Barksdale
Wilt Chamberlain
Julius Erving
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Magic Johnson
Michael Jordan
Cheryl Miller
Oscar Robertson
Bill Russell
My Approach
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