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Let's Get Real (and stop all the foolishness)
Jane Elliott Asks Her White Audience Members to Stand
(45 seconds video)
Jane Elliott asks, "Are You a Racist"?
(Click here for a less than 80 seconds video)
Jane Elliott's Brown Eye/Blue Eye Test
(4 min, 40 seconds video)
Jane Elliott Discusses Her "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" Experiment
(6 min, 43 seconds video)
Angela Davis and Jane Elliott on "Race and Privilege"
(1:42:40 video)
Jane Elliott on The Travelers Podcast with Brother Ali
(1:54:15 video)
Jane Elliot Blast Trump for Attacks on NFL Players
(20 min, 22 seconds video)
A Crash Course in White Supremacy
(Click here for a 3 min, 4 seconds video)
*Note: Where the "Big Lie" of White Supremacy Came From
(Documented Evidence that will "blow your mind". Stay tuned...)
My Approach
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