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Default Image #1


Default Image #2


The Image "Ad spot" (occupied by one of the images above) can EXCLUSIVELY be Yours with the following sample text (or other 1-page documentation/ info):


Your Local Automobile Dealer is:
  Your Name & Phone #  will be here
  Your Email Address will be here
  Your Website URL(s) will be here

NOTE:  Since there are ONLY TWO  possible IMAGE "Ad Spots" category, ADVERTISING (using them) is available on a "first come, first serve" basis.  Once you have elected to purchase an Ad Spot, you will be given the opportunity to upload a file containing the text for your Ad (whether it's a few lines or a whole page).  If you prefer to use your own "image", you will be given an opportunity to upload it as well.

Default Image #1

using Default Image #1
using Your Own Image

The Image "Ad spot" above can EXCLUSIVELY be Yours with the following sample text (or other 1-page documentation/ info):


Your Local Automobile Dealer is:
   Your Name & Phone #  will be here
   Your Email Address will be here
   Your Website URL(s) will be here

NOTE:  Since there are ONLY TWO  possible IMAGE "Ad Spaces" (for this County/Borough/Parish), ADVERTISING (using them) is available on a "first come, first serve" basis.  After you have purchased your Ad, you will be given the opportunity to upload a file containing the text for your Ad (whether it's a few lines or a whole page).  If you prefer to use your own "image", you must upload it (along with the aforementioned text file).  However, both files must be uploaded AT THE SAME TIME.


         Uploading the two files:
             a. Click the first file you want to select.
             b. Then hold down the Ctrl key and click the second you would like to select.
             c. Continue the upload process

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