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42 Ways to Get FREE Traffic

1. Share on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn - You should already be sharing all your content so this is just a reminder.  Before you even start to share you should think value to your customers rather than think "here is my link buy from it" NOW.


2. Quora - Create an account for free. In your profile, add links to your website or other relevant articles. Answer questions others have posted. If the answer is an article you wrote, even better, you can make a direct reference to your link! Make sure your answers always give value and don’t be spammy.


3. Add a Facebook Page for your website/business - This is separate from your regular Facebook profile and will give you a business brand image, and keep your personal stuff separate. You can post content which links to your website and/or offers. This is a requirement if you plan to do any paid Facebook ads.


4. Link to ALL your social media profiles - Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn - all allow you to place a URL on your profile so why not take advantage.


5. YouTube - Create helpful videos and post them on your YouTube channel.  In the description you can link to your website for the viewer to obtain more information.


6. Join LinkedIn Groups - There are two types of groups in LinkedIn: open groups and closed groups. Join two or three open groups and post your content and offers to the groups. Also find relevant closed groups when you have to ask permission to join. Make it clear that other people can repost your content.


7. Link all your social media sites together - Most people have a preference in social media sites. However if they like your Pinterest profile for instance they are likely to click out and have a look at your Facebook profile. So make sure that each link has links to all of the social sites as well.


8. Become an expert in your field - Being an expert doesn't mean that you know everything about your subject it means that you know more than the average Joe! Take every opportunity to share your knowledge. Again reach out to other bloggers and interview them. This is a great way to start because you can publish the interview which can be done over Skype on your blog. Give the person you have interviewed a copy and the chances are they will use that content as well which will link back to your site.


9. Start building a list - There are many ways to make money online, but all successful Internet marketers have one thing in common and that is they have a list. As an Internet marketer you can make money from affiliate sales, but the contact details go to the product owner. Make sure that you create your own list so that you can market to those buyers again and again. All you need is a unique free product which can either be an interview you have created with your smart phone and an expert or an e-book. Make the unique gift compelling and link this to a naughty responder such as GetResponse


10. Create a Business Card With a Link to Your Offer - When you have your business card made, have a link to your offer, squeeze page or video channel on the back of it. If you want to be super targeted then just have your name and website on your card. Whilst this forces people to go through your website to contact you it may put some people off would prefer to use a telephone. Either way always include the links to your offer on the back.


11. If you have a physical business don't forget to promote your website - Not everyone will want to buy from you immediately whether you have a physical store or an online ecommerce website. However, they may want to check you out so always make sure the links to your website are visible.


12. Have flyers made - This might seem old-fashioned but it still works, and you don't need to have a physical presence to make it work. Advertise your online presence in local supermarkets or convenience stores.


13. Attend a local meet up - is a website which advertises meet ups of people with many diverse interests, hobbies and opportunities. Use it as a platform to present your physical cards or flyers, but also make sure you interact with people and ask them about their problems. It's a great opportunity to network with likeminded people with real problems in your niche which you can help solve.

14. Start a local Meetup - Although you have to pay to start a meetup group of your own, it's a great way to set out your brand. It's still a relatively cheap way of attracting traffic and if used properly it can generate many leads. It can of course be incorporated with other traffic generation methods such as business cards and flyers.


15. Linkedin - Linkedin Ads can be more targeted than any other form of adverts. They can be a cheaper form of advertising than Facebook, Bing or Google Adwords. The making money online niche is very profitable here because most people are targeted and focused on jobs and careers.


16. Twitter ads - Twitter ads are a relatively new way to promote your website and at the moment they are cheaper than Facebook. However, approach Twitter ads with caution because in a lot of niches they are not successful.


17. Facebook ads - Facebook ads are particularly popular because it is easier to re-target on this platform and also you can have adverts which look like natural light posts.


18. Pinterest ads - This is another relatively new paid advertising platform. They work very well with visual niches such as crafts or hobbies. Pinterest have produced a PDF to get you started.


19. Bing Ads - There are advantages and disadvantages of using Bing.  As the search engine it has less traffic than Google and is therefore cheaper to advertise. In the make money online niche your target audience of people over the age of 50 are exactly the age group that use Bing as a search engine. Because they are less competitive than Google it's often easier to start here than in Google ad words. Microsoft have written a tutorial to get you started.


20. StumbleUpon ads - StumbleUpon ads are only worth trying if you have a very catchy headline because the readers that use this platform move from one site to another very quickly and you need to capture them and make them stay to make the ads profitable.

21. InstaGram ads - Instagram has a partner program which allows you to show adverts in other people's image feeds or you can pay individual users to promote your product on their own pages.


22. Reddit Ads - Reddit ads can be much more targeted than most other social media platforms because you can advertise on specific subsections which you specify.


23. Youtube ads - Advertising on YouTube is working very well. The advantages is that you can target specific videos with your adverts.


24. Yahoo ads - Yahoo used to be a very popular search engine back in the day before Google, but today it is a very minor search engine with a small amount of searches.  It could be profitable for some niches.  In 2014 Yahoo launched an online marketplace to display mobile and native ads and it claims to have 8.79% of the market share.


25. Google Adwords - Few Internet marketers are using Google ad words at the moment so it's fairly easy to get to the top of an ad campaign.  These ads are text ads displayed ahead of organic search results.  


26. Google's display ads - These are the advertisements displayed in banners on other people sites, usually displayed at the bottom as relevant content.  You have probably seen examples of it on blogs like the Huffington post.  If you are in evergreen niche this can be expensive but it's worth checking because you having the leverage of other people's content.  Google claims the display ads with the retargeting reaches about 70% of the American population on a daily basis.


27. Retargeting advertisements - Retargeting means sending a pixel to allow people to return to your site after they had visited and seen the advert the first time.  Although on the surface it might seem a bit creepy it is a very successful form of advertising.


28. Banner advertising - This is the type of advertising which looks rather like Google display but instead of dealing with a network i.e. Google you are buying directly from the site owner.  What runs where allows you to track other people's adverts and how long they have been running so it's very easy to put up competitive advertisements which will work.


29. Solo ads - Udimi organizes solo ads and you pay a solo ad seller to send out your offer to their email list.  If you wanted to be independent you can also choose someone in your niche with a large list and ask them if they would be prepared to negotiate a deal.  Everyone with an email list has two lists:  one is a list of buyers  and one is a list of freebie seekers.  It's always better traffic if you use a buyers list, but that it is of course more expensive.


30. Rent a thank you page - Putting an offer on a thank you page is a very productive traffic generating technique because it is at this point when someone has just opted in that they are most responsive to opening an email.   You can choose your favorite email marketers in your niche and ask them if you can rent a thank you page.


31. Magazine advertisements - Choose the top three magazines in your niche and ask them the price of their placement advertisements. This can often be cheaper than online advertisements especially if you ask for the prices on last minute deals.


32. Newpaper Ads - Newspapers are struggling to fill their ad space. It’s incredibly cheap and you can negotiate.  Send traffic directly to a squeeze page.


33. Native Ads - A form of paid media where the ad experience follows the natural form and function of the user experience in which it is placed, disguised ads online which match the content around it. 


34. Add an email address to your domain - Make sure that you use the email attached to your domain rather than a generic Gmail or Hotmail account.


35. Add an email signature to the bottom of all emails - At the bottom of all emails add your name and contact details and a link to your offer in the form of a signature.  This will make it appear automatically at the end of every email which is both time saving and also extra advertising.


36. Set up an automatic reply to emails - When anyone emails you send them an automatic reply thanking them for their interest.  Include your contact details and the signature at the end of the email.


37. Traffic Exchange - Don't get real excited by this one, but out of 5000 visitors to your site, you might get 50 people who optin to your list.  It’s not like other traffic but it does work to a degree.  Be careful - these types of sites can deliver so much traffic it can crash your server.


38. Webinar Swaps - This is when two marketers both agree to promote each other's webinar to their lists.  Also, when both webinars are recorded you can repurpose in multiple ways.


39. Direct Mail - Direct mail includes a wide range of marketing, including brochures, catalogs, postcards, newsletters and sales letters.  Major companies know that direct mail ads are one of the most effective and profitable ways to reach out to new and existing clients.


40. Banner Swap - Form of internet advertising in which affiliated websites show one another's banners on their sites. This works best when you're swapping with someone you know. I don't recommend banners with a paid product, have a banner directing to one of your squeeze pages.


41. Safe swaps - Safe Swaps will allow you to increase your email list by swapping traffic.  You find someone who can deliver the same amount of clicks and they email your offer to their list and you email there offer.  You can start doing this when you have got a list of about 50 people because it's a way of everybody increasing their traffic and their reach.


42. Thank You Page Swap - Two marketers will agree to promote each other’s offers on a thank you page. 

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