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Michigan man pays tribute to veterans with 1100 mile trek

(as reported by a local TV News outlet)


    A Michigan man is traveling 1100 miles to Oklahoma as a tribute to fellow veterans; but he’s not taking a car or even a bike, he’s going by mules.  Sixty-eight year old Charlie Peters says the reason he chose Oklahoma is because his father, who is a WWII veteran, is buried there and he's never been to his grave.


    In an interview posted on You Tube, Peters says he decided to do something to honor veterans after an experience he had with his wife in Florida.


"We walked into an antique store and I found a Navy dinner plate,” Peters said. “And I asked the gentleman how much he wanted for it. And he said a million dollars and I said I'd love to have it but that's just too much. And he laughed and said were you ever in the service, and I said yes I was. He said, you ever go to Vietnam, I said yes I did. And he looked me right in the eyes and put his hand out, shook my hand, and said thank you for your service and handed me the plate."


    Peters says that was the first time anyone had thanked him for his service in forty-five years. He's relying on strangers to help him find places to stay along the way of his trip. He hopes to make it to Oklahoma by August 1st.

(I, Leroy Williams, will expound on the conclusion and update concerning this undertaking.  You don't want to miss it.)


    In the meantime, click on the three links below:


====> Charlie Peters: The purpose of his journey (in his own words)!!  (watch 2 minutes 36 seconds video)


====> The Yard Sale Shop (where it all began):


====> Me and Charlie Peters:

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